Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A little bit 'o background

My name is Terence. My wife (Kierston) and I were married in December 2009. 3 months later I got a new job as a financial advisor and we had to move to Colorado. We needed cheap housing. It came to our attention that there was an opening at an assisted living center and a month later we were moving all our stuff into the small but quaint one bedroom apt on the second floor of the house. Our responsibilities would start every night at 10 PM and end the next morning at 6 AM when we passed the baton onto the next shift.

What is the baton? In this case, the baton consists of two pagers (each with a very loud and shrill beeping) and a set of keys to the medicine cart. Each of the +/-22 residents (depending on the mortality rate) has a button they always wear around their neck which they press when they are in need of some form of assistance. Our job is to provide that assistance from 10 to 6. In return we are get completely free living expenses. Rent, electricity, gas, water, cable, internet, etc.

So how much does living cost us? Some nights a lot more than others...

As you can imagine, living in the same house as 22 senior citizens has its ups and downs. Walking into a house with a bunch of smiling, grey haired older adults with walkers (with tennis balls on the rear feet and all) is great. Getting to know them individually and hear their stories is wonderful. Getting a page at 2 am because Fanni needs help adjusting herself so she can see the TV better; not so wonderful.

So I wanted a way to keep track of all the funny, and not so funny stories that I experience everyday. Some of them are sad, some of them have me laughing myself back to sleep, but they are all true.

I thought about just keeping a journal, but I had so many friends and family wanting to hear the stories that I had to find an easier way to share them, and blogging is what I felt was the easiest way to do it. I have never blogged before, nor have I ever really had the desire, mostly because my life was never something I thought was interesting enough to write about on a daily, or even monthly basis. So this is kind of a trial run thing. I'll do my best not to make it boring, and feel free to critique me anytime you want.

Thanks for reading and I hope you can find something of value, if not at least a good laugh in the posts to come.